Excavator Blades’ Retip and Repair in Sydney: Call Tooltec Pty. Ltd.

Sydney is a sunny, seemingly soft-edged city, at least that’s how its residents view the area. However, the hard-packed structural concrete that acts a staunch metropolis backbone around here can be somewhat, well, let’s just say it’s hard enough to blunt the leading edge of a diamond excavators’ blade. No worries, a Tooltec representative is only a phone call away. Call them if your excavator has lost its bite.

Excavator Blade Headaches: Suffering a Lost Edge

In plain English, a diamond blade can become so worn down that it’ll no longer carry out its normal duties. Perhaps it was on clean-up duty after a large building was demolished. Full of refractory materials, the alumina-laced mortar caused abrasive blunting. If that wasn’t the case, maybe the vehicle has been in service too long. Used as an all-around company workhorse, it’s just feeling its age. The diamond excavator blade needs a retip or repair service. Does that sound like a straightforward engineering assignment? The answer to that question depends on the blade’s geometry.

Sharpening the Diamond Teeth

If the diameter of a blade is no larger than 2000 mm and no smaller than 600 mm, then it can be repaired. Keep that fact in mind when a poorly excavator is straining its mechanical systems but the blade isn’t making any progress. Instead of cutting through hard paving or harder roadway skirting, the blade is whining and generating heat. A glaze has formed around the blade rim, so the cutting process is taking forever. Knowing the blade’s dimensions hit the 600 to 2000 mm sweet spot, it’s transported to the Tooltec Pty. Ltd. workshop, where a retip procedure is carried out. The repair work proceeds apace, with a core upgrade and a re-segmentation operation finalizing the process. Just to put the proverbial cherry on top, the blade geometry is re-tensioned as well.

Excavator blades encounter edge-blunting refractive materials. Let’s face it, even a super-hard tile or steel-reinforced concrete block can cause wear. Over time, fatigue takes hold and the excavator takes the brunt of all of that overexertion. The gear experiences wear, the hydraulics systems overheat, and the equipment eventually comes to a full grinding halt. To sidestep nasty equipment breakdowns, the kind that age excavators, check out the cutting blade. If it’s glazed and dull, bigger problems are imminent. Don’t shop for a new diamond blade just yet, not until a line of communications has been opened with a Tooltec representative. If the large abrasive disc is smaller than 2000 mm in diameter, there’s every chance it can be re-tipped and repaired, then returned to service.